Hammer Basketball
Powered by CoachIQ

Learn how Anna DeHamer integrated CoachIQ into her business to expand Hammer Basketball's services with flexible online programs, enriching her offerings and enabling athletes to train effectively anytime, anywhere.

Hammer Basketball

Meet Ana DeHammer

Client Overview

Anna DeHamer, the driving force behind Hammer Basketball, is passionate about the game and committed to excellence in coaching. With a vision to transform her coaching business, Anna turned to CoachIQ for innovative solutions.

The Challenge

Anna recognized the need to optimize her coaching business for efficiency and scalability. She sought a platform that could streamline operations, enhance client experience, and support her growth ambitions.

Hammer Basketball

Implementing CoachIQ

Efficiency Redefined:
ith CoachIQ's intuitive tools for scheduling, client communication, and business management, Anna streamlined her operations, freeing up more time for coaching. The platform's user-friendly interface made every task, from session planning to billing, effortless.

Adding Value, Anywhere, Anytime:
Anna understands the importance of offering comprehensive training solutions. CoachIQ enabled her to seamlessly integrate online programs into her membership plans, enriching her services and providing flexibility for her athletes to train anytime, anywhere.

Scaling with Confidence:
As Hammer Basketball gained momentum, Anna needed a solution that could grow with her business. CoachIQ provided the scalability she required, with features for managing subscriptions, delivering premium content, and expanding her coaching reach without compromising quality.
Hammer Basketball


Since powering Hammer Basketball with CoachIQ has yielded remarkable results:

Increased efficiency in business operations, allowing Anna to focus more on coaching.

Enhanced client experience through seamless integration of online and in-person training.

Confident scalability, empowering Anna to grow her coaching business while maintaining high standards of quality and professionalism.

Everything you need to run your coaching
business in one platform

Client Management

Seamlessly organize every interaction, detail, and document with your clients in dedicated client records.

Create and Send Forms

Create and deploy forms for programs and camp registrations, feedback, and more.

Easy Payment Management

Easily create packages, invoices, payment plans, subscriptions, and coupons using Stripe for seamless transactions.

Schedule & Track Sessions

Intuitive scheduling system, tailored specifically for sports coaches. Streamline your planning process, effortlessly manage your time, and gain unparalleled insights into every session.

Engage your athletes across multiple channels

Utilize in-app messages, SMS, and announcements to keep them informed and motivated with the latest training schedules and updates.

Create and Sell Virtual Programs

Effortlessly design and sell your digital offerings including programs and video analysis, expanding your reach globally and boosting in-person coaching value.

Send Announcements

Effortlessly keep all your clients informed about upcoming events, schedule adjustments, and training updates with just one click


Launch Your Online Presence

With our Custom Website Builder, effortlessly create and deploy a personalized website to captivate more clients and showcase your brand.

Are you ready to unleash your
coaching potential?

Join Anna DeHamer and countless other coaches who have transformed their businesses with CoachIQ. Whether you're coaching basketball, soccer, or any other sport, CoachIQ is your all-in-one solution for success.